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ampersand research market research nottingham qualitative & quantitative
ampersand research market research nottingham qualitative & quantitative

2017...what a year!

A toast to 2017. Thank you!

Mark and I have taken a moment to look back over the past 12 months and thought we would share some of our highlights in the wonderful world of ampersand research this year!

&…went international!

ampersand research successfully completed its first international project covering 5 countries using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Not for the faint hearted this was a test not only of our research skills but of our project management and organisation. Our precision planning and experience paid off and the research provided our client with the insight required to inform and develop their strategy. And to quote their feedback…

"It's always so easy to work with Sarah & Mark. They are always willing to accommodate ideas and changes to project needs, and always explain the value of choosing a particular research approach. Their expertise are highly valued which makes my role so much easier. Sarah & Mark are highly versatile, adapting their support and terminology to meet the needs of their audience."

&...award finalists!

ampersand research were finalists in the RAR awards. Different to other awards, it relies solely on client ratings and feedback rather than submitted written entries. Whilst we didn’t come away with the trophy it was an honour to be considered in such high regard by our clients.

&…wrote a successful tender!

ampersand research wrote its first tender document and was successful! We won’t lie and say this is something that we would like to undertake on a regular basis! Writing a 100-page+ submission wasn’t easy – it took a considerable amount of time, took us out of our comfort zone, tested our internal procedures and was a challenge to undertake whilst running a business and managing project work. But the pain was worth it as ampersand research is now on the roster for a wonderful client who we love working with!

&…continue to spread our enthusiasm for research in the East Midlands!

ampersand research are proud to have been involved in the coaching of junior researchers in both agency and client side roles to progress their careers, mentoring students keen to work in the industry, hosting a Market Research Society event in the area and providing local businesses with a “Beginners guide to research”. Our love of all things research also led us to delivering our first training session to budding researchers working for a client.

&…worked with some amazing clients on fascinating projects

We started ampersand research with the simple aim of providing considered research delivered with a fantastic customer research. This year has seen many of our existing clients returning to work with us again, as well as several new clients commissioning projects with us. Research has included B2B and B2C audiences, across new product development, branding, U&A, customer experience / satisfaction and market exploration.

Although we have thoroughly enjoyed every single project we have worked on, it how our clients rate our work is what counts. At the end of every project we send out a short survey (well we are researchers!), and ask clients to rate their experience of working with ampersand research on a scale of 1 to 10. We are currently rocking a 9.6 score which we are over the moon about!

Although there have been a few challenges (don't mention how we won a project but, due to the client's purchasing policies, were technically not allowed to work on it, and the joys of preparing for the introduction of the GDPR next year) it has been an awesome year!

To all of our clients, suppliers, partners, friends & family, thank you all so much for your continued support over the past year. We couldn’t have done it without you!

We wish you all a wonderful Christmas & a fantastic New Year.

Sarah & Mark


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